HPB tells us that Karnack and Luxor (El-Uxor)
were the branches of the Brotherhoods of the Fraters Lucis and Lukshoor, the Council of "Luxor" Light. Luxor and Karnack are
situated near the larger settlement called Thebes which is itself situated between Lower and Upper Egypt in a location named
valley of the Kings and Queens. Nearby, incidentally, we can see the location of the Colossus of Memmon and the temple
of Amenhotep the III otherwise known as the Master Serepis. Master Hilarion tells us some interesting things
about the actual main pyramid and its subterranean floors and passages. "In due time the great pyramid will yield
to investigation, and there will be found, in replica, all the features designated by me in the plan of the Great Temple as
given to you, and many more, undreamed of as yet by all save the Initiates. On subterranean floors of
this pyramid, as yet undiscovered by later day explorers, are replicas, in symbol, of all the features of the
first floor of the Temple plan. The corridors leading to these have been completely sealed, as have
also other ascending and descending corridors and chambers of the pyramid, and there is small chance of their discovery, unless
the pyramid itself should be shattered by some convulsion of nature.
Yet there are hidden springs by means of which the
immense stones used for sealing the passages may be displaced by the touch of a finger, so perfect is their adjustment".
Temple Teachings. Master Hilarion.
About there being wonderful vibrations still, due to
this locations overall spiritual magnetism it will once again be used, sometime in the future, as a mystery school of an advanced
grade in direct touch with the inner schools and ashram. JPC.
Egypt, Chemi, Kham:
The word "chemistry" comes from chemi, and chemi means
Egypt. Atlantis Antidelivian World I Donnelly.
Psalm cv. 23. "The Land of Ham," or chem, Greek [[chemi]],
whence the terms alchemy and chemistry. IU 226.
ALCHEMISTS. -- From Al and Chemi, fire, or the god
and patriarch, Kham, also, the name of Egypt. The Rosicrucians of the middle ages, such as Robertus de Fluctibus (Robert Fludd),
Paracelsus, Thomas Vaughan (Eugenius Philalethes), Van Helmont, and others, were all alchemists, who sought for the hidden
spirit in every inorganic matter. Some people -- nay, the great majority -- have accused alchemists of charlatanry and false
pretending. Surely such men as Roger Bacon, Agrippa, Henry Kunrath, and the Arabian Geber (the first to introduce into Europe
some of the secrets of chemistry), can hardly be treated as impostors -- least of all as fools. Scientists who are reforming
the science of physics upon the basis of the atomic theory of Demokritus, as restated by John Dalton, conveniently forget
that Demokritus, of Abdera, was an alchemist, and that the mind that was capable of penetrating so far into the secret operations
of nature in one direction must have had good reasons to study and become a Hermetic philosopher. Olaus Borrichias says, that
the cradle of alchemy is to be sought in the most distant times. IU 25.
Egyptian myths, the phantom-form of the isle of Chemmis
(Chemi, ancient Egypt), which floats on the ethereal waves of the empyrean sphere, was called into being by Horus-Apollo,
the sun-god. IU1 147.
Then the Egyptian neophyte was made a Kristophores.
In this degree the mystery-name of IAO was communicated to him. The fifth degree was that of Balahala, and he was instructed
by Horus, in alchemy, the "word" being chemia. IU" 315.
It is far easier to imagine that Moses, who, on the
authority of Manetho, had been an Egyptian priest, and had learned all the secrets of the land of Chemia, produced "miracles"
according to natural laws, than that God Himself violated the established order of His universe. IU1 415.
Egypt is the birthplace and the cradle of chemistry.
Kenrick shows the root of the word to be chemi or chem, which was the name of the country (Psalms cv. 27). The chemistry of
colors seems to have been thoroughly well known in that country. Facts are facts. Where among our painters are we to search
for the artist who can decorate our walls with imperishable colors? Ages after our pigmy buildings will have crumbled into
dust, and the cities enclosing them will themselves have become shapeless heaps of brick and mortar, with forgotten names
-- long after that will the halls of Karnak and Luxor (El-Uxor) be still standing. IU1 541.
The evidence of Berosius makes Ham identical with the
first Zoroaster, founder of Bactria, the first author of all the magic arts of Babylonia, the Chemesenua or Cham, [The English
speaking people who spell the name of Noah's disrespectful son “Ham” have to be reminded that the right spelling
is “Kham” or “Cham”] the infamous [ Black Magic, or Sorcery, is the evil result obtained in any shape
or way through the practice of Occult Arts: hence it has to be judged only by its effects. The name of neither Ham nor Cain,
when pronounced, has ever killed any one; whereas, if we have to believe that same Clemens Alexandrinus who traces the teacher
of every Occultist, outside of Christianity, to the Devil, the name of Jehovah (pronounced Jevo and in a peculiar way) had
the effect of killing a man at a distance.
The mysterious Schemham-phorasch was not always used
for holy purposes by the Kabalists, especially since the Sabbath or Saturday, sacred to Saturn or the evil Shani, became -
with the Jews - sacred to “Jehovah.”] of the faithful Noachians, finally the object of adoration for Egypt, which
having received its name whence chemistry, built in his honour a town
called Choemnis, or the city of fire. Khoemnis, the pre- historic city, may
or may not have been built by Noah' s son, but it was not
his name that was given to the town, but that of the Mystery Goddess Khoemnu or Khoemnis
(Greek form); the deity that was created by the ardent fancy of the neophyte, who was thus tantalised during his “twelve
labours” of probation before his final initiation. Her male counterpart is Khem. The city of Choemnis or Khemmis (today
Akhmem) was the chief seat of the God Khem.
The Greeks identifying Khem with Pan, called this city
“Panopolis.” Ham adored it, it is said, whence the name Chammaim given to the pyramids; which in their turn have
been vulgarised into our modern noun “chimney.” [ Pneumatologie, iii, 210. This looks more like pious vengeance
than philology. The picture, however, seems incomplete, as the author ought to have added to the “chimney” a witch
flying out of it on a broomstick.] This statement is entirely wrong. Egypt was the cradle of Chemistry and its birth-place
- this is pretty well known by this time. Only Kenrick and others show the root of the word to be chemi or chem, which is
not Chem or Ham, but Khem, the Egyptian phallic God of the Mysteries. SD3 42.
For Se-khen is the residence or loka of the god Khem
(Horus-Osiris, or Father and Son), hence the "Devachan" of Atma-Buddhi. SD1 220.
The city of Choemnis or Khemmis (today Akhmem) was
the chief seat of the God Khem. SD3 42.
Akhmim [akhmEm´], city (1986 pop. 70,602), E central
Egypt, on the Nile. Textiles and handicrafts are manufactured; grain, dates, and cotton are processed. The ancient Chemmis
and Panopolis, the city was long noted for its linen and limestone. The temple of Pan is there. It figures prominently in
the history of the Coptic Church and retains a sizable Coptic Christian population. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.
AKHMIM, (Akhmem´) or EKHMIM, a town of Upper
Egypt, on the right bank of the Nile, 67 m. by river S. of Assiut, and 4 m. above Suhag, on the opposite side of the river,
whence there is railway communication with Cairo and Assuan. It is the largest town on the east side of the Nile in Upper
Egypt, having a population in 1907 of 23,795, f whom about a third were Copts. Akhmim has several mosques and two Coptic churches,
maintains a weekly market, and manufactures cotton goods, notably the blue shirts and check shawls with silk fringes worn
by the poorer classes of Egypt. Outside the walls are the scanty ruins of two ancient temples. In Abulfeda's days (13th century
A.p.) a very imposing temple still stood here. Akhmim was the Egyptian Apu or Khen-min, in Coptic Shmin, known to the Greeks
as Chemmis or Panopolis, capital of the gth or Chemmite nome of Upper Egypt.
The ithyphallic Min (Pan) was here worshipped as "
the strong Horus." Herodotus mentions the temple dedicated to " Perseus " and asserts that Chemmis was remarkable for the
celebration of games in honor of that hero, after the manner of the Greeks, at which prizes were given; as a matter of fact
some representations are known of Nubians and people of Puoni (Somalic coast) clambering up poles before the god Min. Min
was especially a god of the desert routes on the east of Egypt, and the trading tribes are likely to have gathered to his
festivals for business and pleasure, at Coptos (which was really near to Neapolis, Kena) even more than at Akhmim. Herodotus
perhaps confused Coptos with Chemmis. Strabo mentions linen-weaving as an ancient industry of Panopolis, and it is not altogether
a coincidence that the cemetery of Akhmim is one of the chief sources of the beautiful textiles of Roman and Coptic age that
are brought from Egypt. 1911encyclopedia.org